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Educational Toys

Our Food Philosophy

Healthy Breakfast

Establishing healthy food habits in early years lays the foundation for lifelong health and wellbeing. At Toot Toot Childcare, our educators and carers work together to inculcate healthy eating habits in children. Mealtimes (breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea) present an opportunity to educate children about not just nutrition and healthy eating but also about social and cultural aspects of life.

Our focus is on providing children with nutrient-rich, unprocessed and seasonal whole foods. Our weekly menus are carefully planned to meet nutritional guidelines, incorporating a wide variety of food groups such as fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes & beans, wholegrain and high cereal fibre varieties such as bread, cereals, rice and pasta, lean meat such as poultry & fish and dairy products, such as milk, yogurt and cheese etc.  


Our menu plan focuses on balancing the types of foods eaten throughout the week, promoting healthy eating through novel ways of presentation and colours. Our educators keep in mind every child’s specific needs such as any special diets, food allergies or religious requirements in planning food menus for the children. For instance, for our young vegetarian patrons, our chef will replace the meat with more vegetables and legumes to their dishes.

Meet our Chef

Aida Chef

My name is Aida Aguirre. As a child and the oldest of all the children in my family, I enjoyed preparing and cooking a variety of meals to feed my siblings. This is when I discovered my passion for cooking, which as an adult has helped me to connect with my family and friends.


When I moved to Australia from El Salvador, an opportunity to train as an adult became available and I gladly took it. This has now granted me with over 9 years of cooking experience in different cuisines.  I am eager to discover new food and cooking techniques. Happy taste buds and smiles are the best rewards I can get from the people who taste the food.


I look forward to working with children because at this stage of their lives is when they develop healthy eating habits. Working as a chef at childcare presents an awesome opportunity for me to be a part of that process. It is an absolute honour and pleasure to provide this new generation with delicious food I prepare with love and dedication.

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